martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Fair trade

Last week we did an interview with an indian involved in Tara project. It is related to Emaus whose aim is fair trade. They explain us how it works and its benefits. We prepare a questionary to know more about the project.

Here you have some of the questions we did:
1-How was the beggining of the project?
The beggining was amazing; there where different projects and then, the economic activity started.
2-How did you get in contact with Emaus?
The contact started there, by the President of Emaus in San Sebastian.
4-Apart from economical support, do the beneficiaries of your programme receive any other kind of help?
Yes;for example, there are many education programms and health centers
12-Does the work you develop make changing their lives?
Yes, of course. But we can't compare to our lives.

We found the activity interesting and enjoyable and it was exciting to have a video conection with an indian woman. She answered all our questions and she was very kind.

We hope that in the future we could do something similar, and that Tara project continues improving and developing, so they could help more people.

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